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The most used application for the treatment of sebaceous glands is Radiofrequency, Chemical Peeling, Medical Skin Care and Hydrafacial, which cleans the sebaceous glands.
Small white bubbles that form mostly around the eyes or droplet-shaped sebaceous glands that darken towards yellow are a common condition among adult men and women. Oil glands may occur one or more, the reasons for their formation vary according to their structure. There are cases where it applies sebaceous gland treatment specific to each sebaceous gland.
What is Oil Gland?
Sebaceous glands can occur in all tissues of the body. Subcutaneous fat glands (lipoma) formed in the joints, in the tissues between the muscle and the skin, are included in the field of general surgery and plastic surgery. The sebaceous glands, which are the subject of medical aesthetics, are mostly syringoma, xanthelasma, milium (keratin cysts) occurring around the eyes and cheeks.
  These are the glands that form on the surface of the skin.
Why Does Oil Gland Occur?
Sebaceous glands can be caused by different reasons, especially aging and genetic predisposition. For example, sebaceous glands are more common among women than men, since the female body has a more fatty genetic structure.
Xanthelasma sebaceous glands usually form after the age of 40, but small white closed sebaceous glands, which we call syringoma and milium, are also quite common among young people. It is also caused by situations such as constantly wearing make-up, using intense concealers, and not cleaning the skin sufficiently and correctly. As with many skin problems, although there are general reasons, the formation of sebaceous glands varies from person to person, so a personalized treatment should be planned.
To summarize the causes of oil gland formation:
Genetic factors.
Cholesterol and similar fat cell problems due to aging.
Unbalanced cholesterol and blood fat levels.
Thyroid hormone disorder.
hair follicle
Improper or inadequate skin care/cleaning.
Constant make-up and heavy concealer use.
Unhealthy eating.

What is Syringoma Sebaceous Gland?
Syringoma, the most common type of sebaceous gland, is common among women from an early age. Around the eyes, above the cheekbones,
  on the upper cheeks, small and numerous.
Cause a rough appearance, make-up
  It is an uncomfortable situation especially for women because it makes it difficult and reduces its quality. It can also be seen in the armpit and genital area.  

Xanthelasma Sebaceous Gland
Commonly occurring at older ages
  flesh-colored, diffusely circumscribed, which we encounter on the eyelid  The sebaceous gland is called Xanthelasma. It is known that cholesterol arises from reasons such as proliferation of fat cells in the blood and vascular lubrication. It is also seen among young people who have health problems related to the body's fat balance. Seeing a relevant physician before or after xanthelasma treatment,  It is important that the sebaceous gland does not recur after treatment.  
It bothers the person because there is a noticeable structural defect on the skin,
  It can cause loss of communication and self-confidence. cover up with makeup  As it is usually not possible, it can negatively affect social and business life. 
What is Milium?
Similar in appearance to sebaceous glands, smaller than syringoma sebaceous glands, white and light yellow, fully rounded bumps are actually tiny keratin cysts, not sebaceous glands, and usually appear in large numbers.
Milium is one of the most common skin problems in men and women of all ages. Keratin protein is the most valuable cell in the structure of the skin in terms of youth and beauty. Although the reason why the skin forms micro cysts from keratin is not known exactly, the disruption of sebum balance can cause such cystic conditions and glandular formation.
  We know why. 
Shiny keratin cysts, which can occur intensively or infrequently on the eyelids, eyelashes, around the eyes and cheeks, are the easiest sebaceous glands to treat.
Sebaceous Gland Treatment with Radiofrequency Application
Thanks to the effect of radiofrequency technologies on subcutaneous adipose tissues with heat, many adipose tissue problems (such as cellulite, sagging, regional lubrication) are eliminated.
  We can treat. Low-voltage radiofrequency application is applied to a sensitive area such as the eyelid.  It can be used in the treatment of sebaceous glands as it is suitable for application in the area.
We can treat more xanthelasma type sebaceous glands that do not require surgical operation with low voltage radiofrequency application.
Milium and Sebaceous Gland Treatment with Hydrafacial
One of the effective methods that we often prefer in the treatment of miliums and small oil glands, which we call keratin cysts, is local peeling and manual tightening together with the Hydrafacial application. Since Hydrafacial provides deep cleansing of the skin, softening of the skin and opening of the pores, the oil button can be easily evacuated with a small intervention by opening with elimarmis peeling. Special vitamins and serums used during the application both support the healing process and prevent the reoccurrence of sebaceous glands.
Milium and Sebaceous Gland Treatment with Chemical Peeling
Small-diameter oil glands and miliums can also be treated with applications such as chemical peeling, where we renew the skin by providing light peeling. But the eye area is not included in the application area. It can be applied mostly on the cheeks and other parts of the face.
Do Oil Glands Pass On Their Own?
It happens that the sebaceous glands, not epidermal cysts, disappear on their own or appear and disappear from the same place at intervals. The sebaceous glands that come out of the eye area are not usually self-extinguishing sebaceous glands.
Does the Oil Gland Around the Eyes Harm the Eye?
No, it does not have any adverse effects on eye health. It gives an inconvenience to the aesthetic appearance.
Will the Oil Gland Reappear?
It might. For this reason, it is useful to see the doctor before or after the treatment. In order for it not to recur, the cause of the sebaceous gland should be determined and treated.
Does Oil Gland Treatment Leave Scars?
He won't let go, he shouldn't let go. As in every application, the person who performs the application and the clinical environment are decisive in the treatment of sebaceous glands. The sebaceous gland treatments, which are applied by competent and experienced people in skin care clinics under the supervision of a physician, usually do not leave any scars.


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